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reconstituted stone which is the subject of this work is composed of a
crushed limestone sedimentary rock called “crushed limestone
to 0/30”. This aggregate is produced in the limestone
and is used in very great quantities in the building, the roadway
system and the manufacture of concretes and special bituminous mix. It
is not "standardized" and it is not marketed as a component for the
reconstituted stone and thus, except exception, you will not find it in
do-it-yourself stores. Crushed limestone is exclusively under the form
of bulk, in the quarries, the material deposits for the earthwork, the
building and the roadway system or in the bituminous mix and concrete
You will more or less easily find this aggregate according to the area where you live, and the proximity and the nature of the quarries. In addition, the color, the hardness and the quality of the limestone are very variable from a quarry to another. In certain granitic regions, for example, you will not find it or with great difficulty. In other calcareous regions, you will have a large choice. To know which are the quarries and the nature of the rock in your region, I invite you to consult the following link: However, if you do not find crushed limestone, you will still be able to use the moulds and the described method, by adapting it if need be, with sand or other types of aggregate which you will have found locally. Typical proportionings are given in the manual.
The fine crushed limestone is not
standardized. Its characteristics strongly vary from a provisioning
source to another, and even temporally on the same source. The results
obtained with the formulas and the compositions which are described in
this manual strongly depend on the characteristics of the limestone
aggregate used. Consequently, you will have to consider the
compositions and proportions that are given in the manual as
indications and not as sure values.
When you will find the basic limestone
aggregate, before launching you in great realizations, you will have to
carry out tests and measurements, with the aim :
- To adjust the compositions and proportions, - To adjust the timings and the methods of finishing, - To judge, by yourself, of the physical and aesthetic characteristics of your reconstituted stones. - To check the long-term behaviour and ageing, in particular for the external uses or with strong constraints. The tests to be realized are not very complicated. A simple protocol of tests is available in the Moulders' Space and in the manual.
This work is only the report of the
experiment of an amateur. It constitutes simply a guide to help you to
gain yourself your own experience. In no case the author could be held
for person in charge if the methods and the formulas which work for him
do not work for you.
Following your own tests, if you decide to launch you in great realizations, you will be the only responsible for your successes and for your possible failures. Don't launch you in work that touches the structure of your house without asking advices of a professional. If you want to profit from guarantees, and in particular from a decennial guarantee on the works of your house, do not buy this manual but call a professional of the building.
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Loup de Saintonge - |